Sunday, 9 December 2012

Assignment 6 : Painting to music

We had two canvas to work on, an hour (if I'm not wrong) for each, measuring in 3x3ft.

The first one was with classical music playing in the background. My colour choices were purple, pink and pastel yellow.

I was feeling 'flowy' with the music so I painted with my hands and fingers and drew on jellyfishes because I personally am really fond of jellyfishes. Plus they're pretty and 'flowy' under the sea.

The second one was with pop and RnB music.

There was a song (I couldn't remember which) but I was hooked to the beat the song has so I had an idea of painting the camouflage pattern. I wanted something to be striking in the middle of the canvas so I thought what other colours would work other than red with the ones thats available to me at that point. Also, it was because of Ms Lisa's Tesco bag with lady bugs printed on it that I decided to draw on a lady bug as well.

The whole look came across to me as the war period..when Japan was conquering and there were innocent blood (white) and death of many many other people (black) seen. So that pretty much sums up   the idea I had behind my second canvas.

I had it hung in my house hallway and each time I look at it it reminds me of the war period and that I should be thankful I'm living so well right now.

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